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Current Political Situation in Pakistan: The Arrest of Imran Khan and the Role of Military Establishment

  Current Political Situation in Pakistan: The Arrest of Imran Khan and the Role of Military Establishment Pakistan is a country with a rich history and culture, but it is also a nation that has been struggling with political turmoil for many years. In recent times, the situation has taken a turn for the worse, with the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan and the increasing role of the military establishment in the country's affairs. In this article, we will explore the current political situation in Pakistan, the arrest of Imran Khan, and the role of the military establishment. The Current Political Situation in Pakistan Pakistan is a country that has been struggling with political instability for decades. The country has been under military rule for much of its history, and the democratically elected governments that have come to power have been plagued by corruption and inefficiency. In recent years, the political situation has become even more complex, with the ris